Announcer on Tue, 9 Oct 2001 02:47:07 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Announcements [9]

Table of Contents:

     "|{.f|." <>                                                         

   web per.form.u][e][lation session begin::                                       
     "][][" <>                          newsletter october 2001                                               
     "" <>                                                   

   Links to Memorials and Remembrances                                             
     "Elayne Zalis" <>                                                

   CTRL [SPACE]                                                                    
     Keenan Jwadmin <>                                               

   <post> DE_TEXT[2]                                                               
     "|{.f|." <>                                                         

     "|{.f|." <>                                                         

   [ ] Watch your Back campaign !                          
     "clement Thomas -" <>                                      

   Software for Dancers...                                                         
     Scott deLahunta <>                                                  


Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 8:48:35 +0100
From: "|{.f|." <>
Subject: -------DE_TEXT------alpha-001

     -----+  -+--/~ke_an/de_text
              |  /de_text
     -+-      +  -----      ------------------------------          ------
      |       |
     -----+-+---+          |                               |   |   | DE_T
          | |   |          |                               |   |   | EXT
     -+--  -+      -+---+  |                               |   |   |
            |       |   |  | ----------------------------- |   |   |
           |        +      | ----------------------------- |   |   |
     --+  -+        |      |           ---------           |   |   |
    *   |   |   |-+---+    |                               |   |   |
     --+  -+ --+  |   |    |     This program is being     |   |   |
- --+-+  |   |   | -+        | developed for text exchanging |   |   |
        |         |        |        and cataloguing        |   |   |
- -                |         |          on the net.          |   |   |
                 +         |     Using this program is     |   |   |
          | |     |   |     |     possible to create a      |   |   |
           -+    + --+  -  |    collection of the most     |   |   |
            |    |   |     |            actual             |   |   |
|             |            |    texts and/or a link        |   |   |
|  -+--                    |    database to other          |   |   |
|   |                      |   DE_TEXT programs on         |   |   |
|               | |        |           the net.            |   |   |
|                -+        |                               |   |   |
|                 |        |  Crystalizing in such a way   |   |   |
|                              | branching structures      |   |   |
|                       -      +    [connected and         |   |   |
|                              | ot connected with each    |   |   |
|                       ---+-+---other], based not on      |   |   |
|                          | |   mechanical ring-like      |   |   |
|                       --  -+   ept, but on the taste and |   |   |
|                          |   interests of the DE_TEXT    |   |   |
|                          |             user.             |   |   |
|                          | Many of the net journals just |   |   |
- ----+  -+--                |   republishing-downloading    |   |   |
        |                  |           texts to            |   |   |
+-      +                  |   their server and each of    |   |   |
|       |                  |  these e-zines is different,  |   |   |
- ----+-+---+                |            having             |   |   |
    | |   |                | different themes and original |   |   |
+--  -+                    | design - very often it makes  |   |   |
                                        search             |   |   |
                                          of               |   |   |
- -+                                     difficult and       |   |   |
  |                                    table. Texts        |   |   |
- -+                                     scattered           |   |   |
 |                                     all over            |   |   |
  |                                    net without         |   |   |
                                       bility to find      |   |   |
                                       m quick  |                    |
                                       sibilit |                     |
                                       tion of-+                     | the
                                       comes l  |   |                |   u
|                                      tricate-+ --+                 |
|                                       possib |   |                 |
|                                       is the                       |
|                                      new tex                       |
|                                      ion-upl                       |
|                                      et jour| |                    |
|                                      base [i -+                    |
|                                      ke a hi  |                    |   t
|                                      e purpo                       |
|                                      ns on t                       |
|                                      often i                       |  DE
|                                      g of th                       |
|                          | like most, or of                        |
|                          |           are mos                       |
|                          |       important t                       |
|                          |    DE_TEXT should                       | DE_
|                          |  search of the te                       |   S
|                          |       and more dy                       | pub
|                          |                                         |
|                          | -----------------                       | cat
|                          | ----------------------------- |   |   |
|                          |          ----------           |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |    DE_TEXT - the tool for     |   |   |
|                          |    publishing, but not the    |   |   |
|                          |      publication itself.      |   |   |
|                          |  Such as it is now, DE_TEXT   |   |   |
|                          |     alpha-d_txt-001 - the     |   |   |
|                          |          germinal of          |   |   |
|                          |    interconnected on-line     |   |   |
|                          |    databases with the same    |   |   |
|                          |       markup language.        |   |   |
|                          |  The most important problem   |   |   |
|                          | for now is the development of |   |   |
|                          |              the              |   |   |
|                          |   text[data] descriptional    |   |   |
|                          |  language and an addition of  |   |   |
|                          |          more search          |   |   |
|                          |           methods.            |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |      -----------Titles &      |   |   |
|                          | Tags------------------------- |   |   |
|                          |      ------------------       |   |   |
|                          |                        |
|                          |  DE_TEXT will          |  There are plans
|                          |  <title> info          |   tags and funct
|                          |            fi          |            futur
|                          |   If the file          |
|                          |    ".html" or          | -----------Searc
|                          |    DE_TEXT wi          | ----------------
|                          |          it a          |          -------
|                          |   Titles for           |
|                          |  .html, .htm]          |  It is possible
|                          |        insert          |    search engine
|                          |         file           |           purpos
|                          |                        |  Insert "::DE_TE
|                          |       Syntax           | themes" into you
|                          |                        |         [index.h
|                          |        :de_te          |       metatags c
|                          | Means markup           |
|                          |        of the          |   <META NAME="de
|                          |                        | CONTENT="::DE_TE
|                          |          |       ical dicti
|                          |        the fi          |     <META NAME="
|                          |          | CONTENT="::DE_TE
|                          |        the fi          |         y,langua
|                          |                        |
|                          | Title tag is the same like in |   |   |
|                          |             HTML.             |   |   |
|                          | The title text is preceded by |   |   |
|                          |   the start tag <title> and   |   |   |
|                          |         ends with the         |   |   |
|                          |  matching end tag </title>.   |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |   <title>something</title>    |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |           Example:            |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |      :de_text version-1:      |   |   |
|                          |            |   |   |
|                          |       <title>Artificial       |   |   |
|                          |         tiger</title>         |   |   |
|                          |            |   |   |
|                                                          |   |   |
|                                             to add more  |   |   |
|                                            ions in the   |   |   |
|                                            e.            |   |   |
|                                                          |   |   |
|                                            hing--------- |   |   |
|                                            ------------- |   |   |
|                                            ---           |   |   |
|                                                          |   |   |
|                                            to use major  |   |   |
|                                            s for that    |   |   |
|                                            e.            |   |   |
|                                            XT::de_text   |   |   |
|                                            r index file  |   |   |
|                                            tml]          |   |   |
|                                            ontent.       |   |   |
|                                                          |   |   |
|                                            scription"    |   |   |
|                                            XT::philosoph |   |   |
|                                            onary">       |   |   |
|                                            keywords"     |   |   |
|                                            XT::philosoph |   |   |
|                                            ge">          |   |   |
|                                                          |   |   |
|                          |         So inserting          |   |   |
|                          | "::DE_TEXT::art,net" into the |   |   |
|                          | search engines search field,  |   |   |
|                          | should find DE_TEXT's having  |   |   |
|                          | such themes[or one of these]. |   |   |
|                          | The prefix "::DE_TEXT::" has  |   |   |
|                          |     to refine the search,     |   |   |
|                          |      selecting DE_TEXT's      |   |   |
|                          |             only.             |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          | ----------Sorting------------ |   |   |
|                          | ----------------------------- |   |   |
|                          |          ----------           |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |    DE_TEXT may sort files     |   |   |
|                          |         according to          |   |   |
|                          |  modification[upload] time,   |   |   |
|                          |    alphabet, size. You can    |   |   |
|                          | choose whether to show titles |   |   |
|                          |           of sorted           |   |   |
|                          |         files or not.         |   |   |
|                          |   After uploading all file    |   |   |
|                          |   names will be lowercase.    |   |   |
|                          | DE_TEXT will count the lines  |   |   |
|                          | of HTML [including the lines  |   |   |
|                          |          with tags]           |   |   |
|                          |        and .TXT files.        |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |         ---------Data         |   |   |
|                          | manipulation----------------- |   |   |
|                          |   -------------------------   |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          | Upoloading and file deletion  |   |   |
|                          | available via net. Editing of |   |   |
|                          |           DE_TEXT's           |   |   |
|                          | links page might be done via  |   |   |
|                          |    web interface as well.     |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |         ---------HTML         |   |   |
|                          | appearance------------------- |   |   |
|                          |   -------------------------   |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |  Colors may be chosen in the  |   |   |
|                          | file.      |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          | ----------------------------- |   |   |
|                          | ----------------------------- |   |   |
|                          |          ----------           |   |   |
|                          |      alpha 001 version.       |   |   |
|                          |    Written in PHP 3. Lynx     |   |   |
|                          |          compatible.          |   |   |
|                          | ----------------------------- |   |   |
|                          | ----------------------------- |   |   |
|                          |          ----------           |   |   |
|                          |    Distribution license -     |   |   |
|                          |       Artistic license.       |   |   |
|                          | ----------------------------- |   |   |
|                          | ----------------------------- |   |   |
|                          |          ----------           |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |   2001 Kestutis Andrasiunas   |   |   |
|                          |          |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |
|                          |                               |   |   |

                      DE_TEXT EXAMPLE
                      DE_TEXT SOURCE PAGE

                      DE_   T EXAM LE
                      http:/   w  -o lt/de_t  t
                      DE_TEXT      E PAGE
                      http:// ww o-    /~ke_an/de_text

                      DE_  XT EXAM LE
                      h  p://www  -o lt/de_text
                       E_TEXT SOU CE PAGE
                        tp://www o   lt/~

                      DE_ EXT  XA  LE
                      http /  w  o o lt/de_  xt
                      DE_T  T  OUR
                        t    ww         ~k          x


Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 17:01:06 +1000
From: "][][" <>
Subject: web per.form.u][e][lation session begin::


  ][as part of ::electrofringe::][

  ][INFO][: want 2 b.come a collaborative node
  in a net.wurk.][whor][er n.vironment? mez
  breeze dis.plays & n.vokes her _mezangelled_
  language/online text constructions live.
  ][METHOD][: n.gage in a International Relay
  Chat/mezangelled multilogue via an live IRC
  s][et-up][creenic connection. 

  ][4 AN X.TENDED MEANING CURVE][: _mezangelle_: evolved/s
  from multifarious email exchanges, directed
  MOO/IRC exchanges and performances,
  computer code flavoured language and net
  iconographs. To _mezangelle_ means to take
  words/wordstrings/sentences and alter them in
  such a way as to extend and enhance meaning
  beyond the predicted or the expected. It's
  similar to making "plain" text hypertextual via
  the arrangement and dissection of words.
  Mezangelling attempts to expand traditional
  text parameters through layered/alternative
  meanings embedded into meta-phonetic
  renderings of language. Notions of language
  play and identity swapping are essential; fiction
  avatars shift through various incarnations such
  as data[h!bleeder, ms post modemism,
  mezflesque.exe, Purrsonal Areah Netwurker,

  Participants: Mez (Mary-Anne Breeze) 

  Date/Time: Mon 6:00 PM [aka 1 hr from now] 
  Duration: 2:0 
  Geo-Location: PAN Building Downstairs 

2 join the electrofringe net.construc][k][tion performance/chat, open up
IRC @ 6pm Monday 1st Oct & connect 2:



                            ports: 6667, 6668, 6669, 7000

                        channel name: #net.construc][k][t

**1 hr - ::begin::**

.           .    ....         .....
.... .               .???  .......


Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 19:00:10 +0200
From: "" <>
Subject: newsletter october 2001

________________________________________________________________________________ newsletter october 2001

           10 of our september 11 textz

         hakim bey: millennium

         hermann l. gremliza: bedeutende ernte

         robert kurz: totalitäre ökonomie und paranoia des terrors

         brian massumi: everywhere you want to be

         yann moulier boutang: apocalypse gênes

         gianfranco sanguinetti: remedy for everything

         georg seeßlen: die blendung

         klaus theweleit: twin towers

         leo trotzki: über den terror

         raoul vaneigem: terrorism or revolution

           10 of our most popular textz

         douglas adams: the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy trilogy

         kathy acker: the language of the body

         nanni balestrini: gli invisibili

         a.s.ambulanzen: feminists like us

         charles baudelaire: les fleurs du mal

         george orwell: 1984

         oscar wilde: the picture of dorian gray

         central intelligence agency: psychological operations ...

         william s. burroughs: the electronic revolution

         adilkno: cracking the movement

           10 of our most recommended textz

         antonin artaud: le pèse-nerfs

         mike davis: beyond blade runner

         guy debord: la societé du spectacle

         gilles deleuze: postscript on the societies of control

         thomas frank: the conquest of cool

         matthew fuller: it looks like you're writing a letter ...

         jean-luc godard: allemagne neuf zéro

         michael hardt / antonio negri: empire

         courtney love: music and piracy

         daniel r. white: augustine of epcot - the city of disney

           10 of our most recent textz

         peter greenaway: a walk through h

         theodor w. adorno / max horkheimer: tierpsychologie

         wilhelm reich: die aufhebung der familie

         ulrike meinhof: warenhausbrandstiftung

         mckenzie wark: hacker manifesto 2.0

         maurice blanchot: death sentence

         michel serres: scientific ethics

         maurizio lazzarato: new forms of production and circulation ...

         vilém flusser: the bag

         hans-christian dany: die acht schönsten fahrten durch rio

           10 of our largest textz

         leo tolstoy: war and peace

         james joyce: ulysses

         charles baudelaire: curiosités esthétiques

         kevin kelly: out of control

         herman melville: moby dick

         georg wilhelm friedrich hegel: phänomenologie des geistes

         fyodor dostoyevsky: crime and punishment

         franz kafka: tagebücher

         neal stephenson: snow crash

         marcel proust: le temps retrouvé

________________________________________________________________________________ - we are the & in copy & paste


Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 11:45:58 -0700
From: "Elayne Zalis" <>
Subject: Links to Memorials and Remembrances

I have compiled a list of memorials and remembrances related to the =
events of September 11, 2001. So far, categories include: Assorted =
Contributions, Online Diaries, Web Rings, and Media-Supported Forums. =
Please feel free to recommend additional sites. See =

 Elayne Zalis and


Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 12:44:56 -0400 (EDT)
From: Keenan Jwadmin <>
Subject: CTRL [SPACE]

Opening this Friday at the Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie/
Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany

Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother 

Opening :: October 12th, 2001, 7 pm
Exhibition :: October 13th, 2001 - February 24 th, 2002 
[ZKM, atria 8 and 9] 
Curator :: Thomas Y. Levin [Princeton University] 

In 1785, the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), founder of
the doctrine of Utilitarianism, began working on a plan for a model prison
called the panopticon. The signature feature of this design was that every
one of the individual jail cells could be seen from a central observation
tower which, however, remained visually inscrutable to the prisoners.
Since they could thus never know for sure whether they were being watched,
but had to assume that they were, the fact of actual observation was
replaced by the possibility of being watched. As a rationalist, Bentham
assumed that this would lead the delinquents to refrain from misbehaving,
since in order to avoid punishment, they would effectively internalize the
disciplinary gaze. Indeed, Bentham considered the panoptic arrangement,
whereby power operates by means of the spatial design itself, as a real
contribution to the education of man, in the spirit of the Enlightenment. 

While long the subject of theoretical and political debate, the panopticon
was reintroduced into contemporary philosophical discussion in 1975 by the
French philosopher Michel Foucault who insisted on its exemplary role as a
model for the construction of power in what he called a "disciplinary
society."  Ever since, the controlled space of the panopticon has become
synonymous with the cultures and practices of surveillance that have so
profoundly marked the modern world. When we hesitate to race through a red
light at an intersection where we see a black box, not knowing whether it
contains a working camera but having to suppose that it might, we are
acting today according to the very same panoptic logic. 

Challenged by the disturbing (and constantly expanding)  omnipresence of
surveillance in our daily life to investigate the state of the panoptic
art at the beginning of the 21st century, the interdisciplinary exhibition
CTRL [SPACE] will explore the wide range of practices -- from more
traditional imaging and tracking technologies to the largely invisible but
infinitely more powerful practices of what is referred to as
"dataveillance" -- that today constitutes the extensive arsenal of social
control.  However, taking its cue from the central role in the genealogy
of surveillance played by an architectural model, the focus will be on the
complex relationships between design and power, between representation and
subjectivity, between archives and oppression. If a drawing could become
the model for an entire social regime of power in the 18th-century, to
what extent does that regime change (if at all) along with shifts in
dominant representational practices? What happens, in other words, when we
reconceive the panopticon in terms of new infrared, thermal or satellite
imaging practices? Indeed, what are the sociological and political
consequences of a surveillant culture based increasingly on entirely
non-phenomenal logics of data gathering and aggregation? Is there a
history of surveillance and, if so, how have contemporary practices of,
and attitudes toward, surveillance changed? 

As it turns out, these and other key questions concerning the practices,
transformations and experiences of surveillance have long been explored
not only by sociologists, political theorists, and philosophers, but also
by artists of all sorts. These include Vito Acconci's following pieces and
Andy Warhol's explorations of "real-time" and early closed-circuit video
in the 1960s, Bruce Nauman's video corridors, Dan Graham's "Time Delay
Rooms" and Rem Koolhas' "Project for the Renovation of a Panoptic Prison"
in the 1970s, Sophie Calle's documentation of a detective hired to spy on
her, and Michael Klier's by now classic compilation of found surveillance
footage in "Der Riese"  in the 1980s, and Thomas Ruff's night photographs,
various installations by Diller & Scofidio and the ironic surveillant
science of the Bureau of Inverse Technology in the 1990s.  Whether it is
the photographic documentation of public surveillance cameras by Frank
Thiel and their systematic mapping by the New York Surveillance Camera
Project, or Laura Kurgan's refunctioning of declassified satellite
reconnaissance images and Josh Harris's "," a brutal
experiment in life under continuous real-time cyber-surveillance in the
new millennium, panoptical questions are far from a new concern even as
they have increasingly become a major focus of contemporary cultural
production. Yet, curiously, with the exception of a handful of small
gallery shows, there has never been a systematic museum overview of this
so important issue. 

In order to grasp the stakes of highly visible developments such as the
self-conscious soap-operatic panopticism of the global television
phenomenon "Big Brother" and the increasing tendency towards "real"-time
in the so-called "reality-TV"  paradigm, not to mention the dramatic
proliferation of surveillance both as subject matter and as narrative
structure in much of today's cinematic production (witness "The Truman
Show" or "Enemy of the State") it is essential that we map the full range
of cultural engagements with panoptic issues. In its exploration of the
historicity of surveillant practices in their relationship to changing
logics of representation, CTRL [SPACE] will offer both a state of the art
survey of the full range of panopticism -- in architecture, digital
culture, video, painting, photography, conceptual art, cinema,
installation work, television, robotics and satellite imaging -- and a
largely unknown history of the various attempts to critically and
creatively appropriate, refunction, expose and undermine these logics.
With an exhibition structure that will itself be thoroughly saturated by
multiple tracking systems, CTRL [SPACE] promises to be an experience that
is at once fascinating, frightening and above all enlightening. Indeed,
the latter seems especially important, given that the German word for
enlightenment, Aufklaerung is also the term used to refer to aerial
reconnaissance, i.e. surveillance. 

List of Artists :: 

Vito Acconci, Merry Alpern, Lutz Bacher, Lewis Baltz, Denis Beaubois,
Jeremy Bentham, Niels Bonde, Bureau of Inverse Technology, Paul Bush,
Sophie Calle, Jordan Crandall, Peter Cornwell, Jonas Dahlberg, David
Deutsch, Bart Dijkman, Diller + Scofidio, Harun Farocki, Dan Graham,
Graft, G.R.A.M., Jeff Guess, Harco Haagsma, Jon Haddock, Institute for
Applied Autonomy, Juergen Klauke, Michael Klier, A.P.  Komen & Karen
Murphy, Rem Koolhaas/OMA, Korpys/Loeffler, Laura Kurgan, Langlands & Bell,
Ange Leccia, Chip Lord, Jenny Marketou, J Mayer H, Michaela Melian, Dan
Mihaltianu, Heiner Muehlenbrock, Pat Naldi & Wendy Kirkup, John
Lennon/Yoko Ono, Bruce Nauman, Chris Petit, Walid Ra'ad, Daniel Roth,
Thomas Ruff, Julia Scher, Cornelia Schleime, Ann-Sofi Siden, Lewis Stein,
Stih & Schnock, Surveillance Camera Players, Frank Thiel, Zoran Todorovic,
visomat inc., Jamie Wagg, Andy Warhol, Peter Weibel. 

The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive catalogue, published in
collaboration with MIT Press.



Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 8:48:39 +0100
From: "|{.f|." <>
Subject: <post> DE_TEXT[2]

|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   | DE_T
|                            |                              |   |   | EXT
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            | ---------------------------- |   |   |
|                            | ---------------------------- |   |   |
|                            |         -----------          |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |    This program is being     |   |   |
|                            |      developed for text      |   |   |
|                            |  exchanging and cataloguing  |   |   |
|                            |         on the net.          |   |   |
|                            |     With this program is     |   |   |
|                            |     possible to create a     |   |   |
|                            |    collection of the most    |   |   |
|                            |            actual            |   |   |
|       texts and/or a link  |                              |   |   |
| database to other DE_TEXT  |                              |   |   |
|        programs on         |                              |   |   |
|                            |           the net.           |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |  Crystalizing in such a way  |   |   |
|                            |     branching structures     |   |   |
|                            |        [connected and        |   |   |
|                            |   not connected with each    |   |   |
|                            |     other], based not on     |   |   |
|                            |     mechanical ring-like     |   |   |
|                            |  concept, but on the taste   |   |   |
|                            | and interests of the DE_TEXT |   |   |
|                            |            user.             |   |   |
|                            |   Many of the net journals   |   |   |
|                            |             just             |   |   |
|                            |   republishing-downloading   |   |   |
|                            |           texts to           |   |   |
|                            |   their server and each of   |   |   |
|                            | these e-zines is different,  |   |   |
|                            |            having            |   |   |
|                            |     different themes and     |   |   |
|                            | original design - very often |   |   |
|                            |       it makes search        |   |   |
|                            |              of              |   |   |
|       the texts difficult  |                              |   |   |
|  and uncomfortable. Texts  |                              |   |   |
|      being scattered       |                              |   |   |
|                            |           all over           |   |   |
|         the net without    |                              |   |   |
| availability to find them  |                              |   |   |
|          quickly;          |                              |   |   |
|                            |        possibility of        |   |   |
|       circulation of these |                              |   |   |
|   texts becomes low and    |                              |   |   |
|         intricate.         |                              |   |   |
|                            |   Another possible use of    |   |   |
|                            | DE_TEXT - is the ability of  |   |   |
|                            |          new texts           |   |   |
|                            |      addition-uploading      |   |   |
|       to a net journal or  |                              |   |   |
| to a database [i.e. using  |                              |   |   |
|                            | DE_TEXT like a hidden tool]. |   |   |
|                            |  Since the purpose of many   |   |   |
|                            | publications on the net very |   |   |
|                            |           often is           |   |   |
|                            | cataloguing of the texts you |   |   |
|                            | like most, or of those which |   |   |
|                            |           are most           |   |   |
|                            |      important to you.       |   |   |
|                            |   DE_TEXT should make the    |   |   |
|                            |  search of the texts easier  |   |   |
|                            |      and more dynamic.       |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            | ---------------------------- |   |   |
|                            | ---------------------------- |   |   |
|                            |         ------------         |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |    DE_TEXT - the tool for    |   |   |
|                            |   publishing, but not the    |   |   |
|                            |     publication itself.      |   |   |
|                            |  Such as it is now, DE_TEXT  |   |   |
|                            |    alpha-d_txt-001 - the     |   |   |
|                            |         germinal of          |   |   |
|                            |    interconnected on-line    |   |   |
|                            |   databases with the same    |   |   |
|                            |       markup language.       |   |   |
|                            |  The most important problem  |   |   |
|                            |  for now is the development  |   |   |
|                            |            of the            |   |   |
|                            |   text[data] descriptional   |   |   |
|                            | language and an addition of  |   |   |
|                            |         more search          |   |   |
|                            |           methods.           |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |     -----------Titles &      |   |   |
|                            | Tags------------------------ |   |   |
|                            |     -------------------      |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |  DE_TEXT will read and show  |   |   |
|                            | <title> information of HTML  |   |   |
|                            |            files.            |   |   |
|                            |   If the file extension is   |   |   |
|                            |    ".html" or ".htm" then    |   |   |
|                            |    DE_TEXT will recognize    |   |   |
|                            |         it as HTML.          |   |   |
|                            |   Titles for non-HTML [non   |   |   |
|                            |  .html, .htm] files you can  |   |   |
|                            |       insert into the        |   |   |
|                            |        file tags.dxt         |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |      Syntax is simple:       |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |        :de_text.v.-1:        |   |   |
|                            |    Means markup language     |   |   |
|                            |   version of the program.    |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            | - the start of |   |   |
|                            |        the file tags.        |   |   |
|                            | - the end of  |   |   |
|                            |        the file tags.        |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |  Title tag is the same like  |   |   |
|                            |           in HTML.           |   |   |
|                            |  The title text is preceded  |   |   |
|                            | by the start tag <title> and |   |   |
|                            |        ends with the         |   |   |
|                            |  matching end tag </title>.  |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |   <title>something</title>   |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |           Example:           |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |     :de_text version-1:      |   |   |
|                            |           |   |   |
|                            |      <title>Artificial       |   |   |
|                            |        tiger</title>         |   |   |
|                            |           |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            | There are plans to add more  |   |   |
|                            |  tags and functions in the   |   |   |
|                            |           future.            |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            | -----------Searching-------- |   |   |
|                            | ---------------------------- |   |   |
|                            |         ------------         |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            | It is possible to use major  |   |   |
|                            |   search engines for that    |   |   |
|                            |           purpose.           |   |   |
|                            |  Insert "::DE_TEXT::de_text  |   |   |
|                            | themes" into your index file |   |   |
|                            |         [index.html]         |   |   |
|                            |      metatags content.       |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |   <META NAME="description"   |   |   |
|                            | CONTENT="::DE_TEXT::philosop |   |   |
|                            |      hical dictionary">      |   |   |
|                            |    <META NAME="keywords"     |   |   |
|                            | CONTENT="::DE_TEXT::philosop |   |   |
|                            |        hy,language">         |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |         So inserting         |   |   |
|                            |  "::DE_TEXT::art,net" into   |   |   |
|                            |  the search engines search   |   |   |
|                            |            field,            |   |   |
|                            | should find DE_TEXT's having |   |   |
|                            |    such themes[or one of     |   |   |
|                            |           these].            |   |   |
|                            | The prefix "::DE_TEXT::" has |   |   |
|                            |    to refine the search,     |   |   |
|                            |     selecting DE_TEXT's      |   |   |
|                            |            only.             |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            | ----------Sorting----------- |   |   |
|                            | ---------------------------- |   |   |
|                            |         ------------         |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |    DE_TEXT may sort files    |   |   |
|                            |         according to         |   |   |
|                            |  modification[upload] time,  |   |   |
|                            |   alphabet, size. You can    |   |   |
|                            |    choose whether to show    |   |   |
|                            |       titles of sorted       |   |   |
|                            |        files or not.         |   |   |
|                            |   After uploading all file   |   |   |
|                            |   names will be lowercase.   |   |   |
|                            | DE_TEXT will count the lines |   |   |
|                            | of HTML [including the lines |   |   |
|                            |          with tags]          |   |   |
|                            |       and .TXT files.        |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |        ---------Data         |   |   |
|                            | manipulation---------------- |   |   |
|                            |  --------------------------  |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            | Upoloading and file deletion |   |   |
|                            |  available via net. Editing  |   |   |
|                            |         of DE_TEXT's         |   |   |
|                            | links page might be done via |   |   |
|                            |    web interface as well.    |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            |        ---------HTML         |   |   |
|                            | appearance------------------ |   |   |
|                            |  --------------------------  |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |
|                            | Colors may be chosen in the  |   |   |
|                            | file.      |   |   |
|                            |                              |   |   |

..................DE_TEXT EXAMPLE........................................
................... ............................
..................DE_TEXT SOURCE PAGE....................................
................... .....................


Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 8:48:32 +0100
From: "|{.f|." <>
Subject: DE_TEXT[0000000001]

      ... ........ .....................      ...............i.......
  .... .. ......  ........................               ....|....      .
  .... . ....... ..DE_TEXT EXAMPLE................  .........|     ...
 ..... . ....... .......................................       . .....
 ..... . ....... ... .......    ....|.. ..... .
 ..... . .......  .......................................          ... .
 ..... . ......... DE_TEXT SOURCE PAGE.......................|. ...
 .....  .......... ..........................................|     ... .
 ..... ........... . .......     ..... .
 ..    .........   ...............................  ..   ... | ..    .
   ... .......  ................................      ... ...    ..     .


        This program is being developed for text exchanging and cataloguing
        on the net.
        With this program is possible to create a collection of the most 
      texts and/or a link database to other DE_TEXT programs on 
        the net.
        Crystalizing in such a way branching structures [connected and 
        not connected with each other], based not on mechanical ring-like
        concept, but on the taste and interests of the DE_TEXT user.
        Many of the net journals just republishing-downloading texts to
        their server and each of these e-zines is different, having 
        different themes and original design - very often it makes search
      the texts difficult and uncomfortable. Texts being scattered 
        all over 
      the net without availability to find them quickly; 
        possibility of
      circulation of these texts becomes low and intricate.
        Another possible use of DE_TEXT - is the ability of new texts 
      to a net journal or to a database [i.e. using 
        DE_TEXT like a hidden tool].
        Since the purpose of many publications on the net very often is 
        cataloguing of the texts you like most, or of those which are most 
        important to you.
        DE_TEXT should make the search of the texts easier and more dynamic.

        DE_TEXT - the tool for publishing, but not the publication itself.
        Such as it is now, DE_TEXT alpha-d_txt-001 - the germinal of 
        interconnected on-line databases with the same markup language.
        The most important problem for now is the development of the 
        text[data] descriptional language and an addition of more search 

        -----------Titles & Tags-------------------------------------------

        DE_TEXT will read and show <title> information of HTML files.
        If the file extension is ".html" or ".htm" then DE_TEXT will recognize
        it as HTML.
        Titles for non-HTML [non .html, .htm] files you can insert into the 
        file tags.dxt

        Syntax is simple:
        Means markup language version of the program.
        - the start of the file tags. - the end of the file tags.
        Title tag is the same like in HTML.
        The title text is preceded by the start tag <title> and ends with the 
        matching end tag </title>.
        :de_text version-1:
        <title>Artificial tiger</title>
        There are plans to add more tags and functions in the future.


        It is possible to use major search engines for that purpose.
        Insert "::DE_TEXT::de_text themes" into your index file [index.html]
        metatags content.

        <META NAME="description" CONTENT="::DE_TEXT::philosophical dictionary">
        <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="::DE_TEXT::philosophy,language">

        So inserting "::DE_TEXT::art,net" into the search engines search field,
        should find DE_TEXT's having such themes[or one of these].
        The prefix "::DE_TEXT::" has to refine the search, selecting DE_TEXT's


        DE_TEXT may sort files according to modification[upload] time,
        alphabet, size. You can choose whether to show titles of sorted 
        files or not.
        After uploading all file names will be lowercase.
        DE_TEXT will count the lines of HTML [including the lines with tags] 
        and .TXT files.

        ---------Data manipulation------------------------------------------

        Upoloading and file deletion available via net. Editing of DE_TEXT's
        links page might be done via web interface as well. 

        ---------HTML appearance--------------------------------------------

        Colors may be chosen in the file.

        alpha 001 version.
        Written in PHP 3. Lynx compatible.
        Distribution license - Artistic license.

        2001 Kestutis Andrasiunas


                      DE_TEXT EXAMPLE  
                      DE_TEXT SOURCE PAGE       

                      DE_   T EXAM LE
                      http:/   w  -o lt/de_t  t
                      DE_TEXT      E PAGE
                      http:// ww o-    /~ke_an/de_text

                      DE_  XT EXAM LE
                      h  p://www  -o lt/de_text
                       E_TEXT SOU CE PAGE
                        tp://www o   lt/~

                      DE_ EXT  XA  LE
                      http /  w  o o lt/de_  xt
                      DE_T  T  OUR
                        t    ww         ~k          x


Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 17:23:42 +0200
From: "clement Thomas -" <>
Subject: [ ] Watch your Back campaign !

dear friends,

sept 2001,
Andrew Forbes sees his dns fly away to deep
Tartaria deserts, south of no north !
Not even time to draw an axtra swift VISAcard, the dns price jumps to
$3000 in only one night !

Thus, decides to support A. Forbes web by providing
a new dns in exchange of the hosting of a Watch-Data-Head Patch on the
original (soon).
This dns -, easy to remember - is currently hosting the :
"Watch your Back" international campaign.

support the Watch your Back campaign !
- - host the Watch Data-Head Patch !
- - let dns become famous and make back
to an unforgettable NName, and a new born Net-Art legend !
- - relay the campaign by adding a link to

You have tips on how to keep a dns safe ?
- - write us ! we will add it to the WybB campaign page ![]WyB-Tips

wishing you the best always,

the team
- -/ Watch your back ! Keep your dns safe ! /-


Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 20:27:38 +0100
From: Scott deLahunta <>
Subject: Software for Dancers...


Software for Dancers [phase one] is a London-based research project taking 
place from 24 September to 6 October which aims to develop concepts for 
software rehearsal tool(s) for dance makers and to use this opportunity to 
open up discussion about collaborative practices involving live performance 
and digital technologies. The  primary research team comprises London based 
choreographers [Siohban Davies, Shobana Jeyasingh, Wayne McGregor and 
Ashley Page] working in collaboration with digital artists/ coders from the 
UK and Germany [Guy Hilton, Jo Hyde, Adrian Ward and Christian Ziegler] and 
two researcher/ writers [Sanjoy Roy and Saul Albert].

There are four levels of activity: a period of intensive Research Days will 
run from 24 September to 3 October and involve working meetings of the 
primary research team. This will be followed by two Focus Days on 4 and 5 
October, a Round Table discussion on 6 October, and a Public Seminar to 
share the results of the project (scheduled for 2-5 pm on 6 October at the 
Royal Opera House, London).

For the Focus Days, Round Table and the Public Seminar, the Software for 
Dancers project will be enlarged by the participation of three groups of 
performing artists also working on developing software tools for use in 
rehearsal and live performance: Troika Ranch (new york city), Barriedale 
Operahouse (vienna and london) and Igloo (london).

The website for more detailed information and real time documentation of 
the project is at If you are based in or 
close to London and are interested in attending the Public Seminar, please 
register through the website as there is limited space -- there is a 
mailto: link on the 'public seminar' page.

Software for Dancers is Writing Research Associates research project in 
collaboration with Arts Council of England's Dance Department, Sadler's 
Wells Theatre and Random Dance Company.



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